

I am an alumnus of Pondicherry University. I’ve been part of the Free Software Hardware Movement Puducherry for six years. Currently, I’m focused on creating open source, decentralized, community-owned knowledge archiving platforms. These platforms enable communities to archive media, annotate fragments, and share knowledge collaboratively. We’re transitioning our existing decentralized platform into a federated model for increased accessibility and collaboration. Additionally, we’re exploring the use of IPFS to ensure data integrity and prevent censorship or loss. I’m also actively involved in advancing decentralized community mesh networks.

Philosophical Fortnight Meetup at Pondicherry University (6/3/2019)

Philosophical Fortnight Meetup at Pondicherry University (6/3/2019)

The third public gathering of the year 2019 was a real philosophical outreach of free software after consecutive technical and awareness sessions. The Pre- gathering events: Naming the organization discussion happened online, Many suggestions from various perspectives were suggested. Consecutively, based on inputs from steering committee the agenda for the meeting on 6/3/2019 was prepared.